When creating a new campaign with PromoSimple, you are given the option to add in as many entry types as you would like, including Subscribe to a Newsletter, Facebook ‘Like,’ Twitter ‘Follow,’ Twitter ‘Tweet,’ Subscribe to an RSS Feed, Leave a Comment and a Custom Entry Type. These entries can be set as Mandatory or Bonus.
A Mandatory Entry must be completed by an entrant before their information is submitted to be eligible for being chosen as the winner of the promotion.
A Bonus Entry is optional for entrants and they can choose to enter it to increase their chances of winning, or they may choose not to complete the action.
Determining whether an entry should be a bonus
When determining whether an entry option should be required or bonus be sure to go back the goals that you set originally for your giveaway. Is the entry option necessary for your to reach your goals? If not, perhaps it should be added as a bonus entry for only those who opt to complete it. Adding too many requirements may decrease your total entrant count, making it more difficult to reach your goal.
Making Entrants Ineligible by Requiring Information
When creating a campaign, it is important to note that adding Mandatory Entries such as a Facebook ‘Like’ or Twitter ‘Follow’ may decrease your total number of entrants, as entrants that do not use Facebook or Twitter will be unable to enter your giveaway at all. If a metric such as increasing your Facebook ‘Likes’ is an important goal for your campaign, you may want to make this mandatory; just keep in mind that it may decrease the total number of unique entrants in your giveaway.
Increasing Bonus Entry Participation
While Bonus entries do not need to be completed for an entrant to be eligible to win the promotion, completing them will drastically improve a user’s chance of winning. Therefore, if you offer additional Bonus entries into the giveaway and assign them appropriately, users will be likely to complete them.