Twitter is soon to release a new design for your Twitter profile page. The new design is quite a bit busier than the traditional layout with a few new key features that are designed to allow you more control over what the prominent aspects of your page are.
- Focus on Engagement: The more engagement that a Tweet has received (retweets, favorites) the larger it will appear on the page.
- Pinned Tweets: Similar to Facebook you’ll have the ability to select a Tweet to pin to the top of your Tweet list so that visitors to your page are more likely to see the Tweet.
- Filtering: When viewing a profile you’ll be able to select the type of Tweets that you want to view, whether Tweets, Tweets with photos/videos, or Tweets and replies.
See examples of Pinned Tweets and the larger emphasis on Tweets with high engagement on Broke Ass Stuart’s Twitter page below:
The new design also offers more customization options for creating a unique profile page for your Twitter account. Is this a technique to try to get more users on the Twitter site rather than viewing Tweets through third-party apps? View samples below of Twitter profile pages for Michelle Obama, Zac Efron, Floyd Mayweather and the Australian Football League.
Learn more about the new profile designs on the Twitter Blog.