When you’re hosting a giveaway, you probably send an email to your subscribers directing them to the giveaway page. And maybe you even have a call out on your home page. But there’s a simple way to make sure there’s an attention-getting mention of your giveaway on every page of your site. Here’s how to do it:
Attract Entrants, No Matter What Page They Visit
There’s no way to control—or even predict—what pages your website visitors will visit. Sure, people who have been there before may come via your blog posts or social shares, but what about new visitors?
New visitors are especially valuable entrants for your campaign, but if you don’t know where what pages they’re visiting, you can’t direct your giveaway message to them.
That is, it seems like you can’t.
Just by adding a PromoBar to your website—a short bar with a message about your giveaway that runs along the top of your site—you can promote your giveaway to anyone, no matter what page they visit!
Creating Your PromoBar
Creating your PromoBar is simple, and you can use one of our pre-made templates, or even customize it to your site’s colors and fonts!
When you log into your PromoSimple account, click on “Promote” in the top navigation. If you’re not already there, click on the button that says “PromoBar.”
You can link your PromoBar to a current campaign, or you can link it to a page on your site. You can opt to use one of the premade colors in the PromoBar Color section, or you can click on “Advanced customization options” and change the colors and fonts to anything you’d like.
Also within the advanced options, you can choose whether you’d like to show your current campaign, you can decide where you want the bar to appear on the page (shown at the top in the image below), and you can even create custom text for your PromoBar.
Once you’re done building your PromoBar, you can get the embed code to copy and paste into your site or, if your site is built on the WordPress platform, you can add it using the PromoSimple plugin.
Easy? Absolutely. And now you can be sure that every visitor to your site gets the message about your giveaway and gets the opportunity to interact more with you and your brand.