When you are running a group giveaway you need an easy way to share the code for your giveaway’s entry form — now every campaigns has it’s own share-the-code page. You can send a link to this page to all of your partners that are hosting the giveaway entry form and they can copy the entry form code directly from this page.
After publishing your giveaway you can find a link to your Share-the-Code page on the publish page, along with the entry form code, the option to add your giveaway to Facebook pages and a link to your giveaway’s hosted landing page, which you can always use as a landing page for your giveaways’ entrants.
Sending HTML code via email can often result in added characters or HTML tags being removed by the email client. Using this page will alleviate this problem for you, making it simple for all of your partners to grab the giveaway’s entry form code.
This page also contains links to instructional articles on how to add giveaway entry forms to popular content management systems including WordPress, Blogger and more so that your partners are able to easily add the entry form to their websites.
After copying the code for the giveaway’s entry form, it can be pasted into any webpage or blog post, where the entry form will display from within an iFrame to prevent any issues between the webpage’s design elements and those that you’ve customized in your entry form.