PART III: Launching & Promoting your Sweepstakes

Where your sweepstakes will be accessible to users is an important decision, though with PromoSimple you do have the option of embedding your entry form on an unlimited number of web pages simultaneously. The four most popular options are below and can all be used for the same promotion.

1. Embed in a Website: If you can copy and paste you can add the entry form to a web page’s content. This option can increase traffic and links to your own website while allowing you to utilize your own website’s content and structure to design around the entry form.

2. Include the PromoBar on a website: Add the PromoBar to a single page or site-wide. The PromoBar can draw attention to your promotion from every single page of your website. Users never have to leave the page they are on while entering the sweepstakes.

3. Add as a Facebook Page tab: A commonly used option because it requires no changes or addition to your website’s code. This also relieves you of worrying about bandwidth due to higher than average traffic levels.

4. Use the hosted Microsite: Create 100% branded user experience on your own microsite using HTML and CSS. This gives you the most flexibility for design without ever touching your own website’s code.

Should you use a ‘Facebook Like Gate’?

When adding a sweepstakes to the content of a tab on a Facebook Page you have the option of enabling the Facebook ‘Like Gate.’ This feature shows an image to all users who access the tab encouraging them to ‘Like’ the Facebook Page. Until they are a Fan of the Facebook Page they cannot access the sweepstakes entry form.

Simple & easy for users to ‘Like’ the page
Additional opportunity for branding with the ‘Like Gate’ image
Only Fans can enter the promotion
No Facebook data is collected (username) from the entrant
Only available for promotions hosted on Facebook
Inaccessible to users on Mobile devices

An alternative to the Facebook ‘Like Gate’ is to add a requirement to the entry form that users must be Fans of your Facebook Page in order to enter. By including this as an entry method this requirement is present regardless of where the user accesses your entry form, including via mobile devices.
UGS_Like Gates

Promoting your Sweepstakes

how-03When it comes to content, even interactive, incentivized content like sweepstakes the theory of ‘If you build it they will come’ just doesn’t apply. Launching your sweepstakes is just the beginning of the process. To get momentum behind your sweepstakes you should utilize every traffic source at your disposal to help get the word out about your great new sweepstakes.

Social Channels

In addition to Posting, Tweeting and Pinning you can also go a step further and customize your social channels to help you promote your sweepstakes. Update your Facebook Page’s cover image, Twitter profile and header images to draw more attention.


Embedding your entry form on your website is a great start, but is limited to a single page. Adding the PromoBar is a simple way to ensure that every visitor to your website is aware of and has access to the promotion.


Your sweepstakes is a powerful tool for growing your email subscriber lists. As you work to further increase this audience be sure to notify those that have already signed up. Try sending an email a few days before, on the launch date and again the day before the sweepstakes ends.

Read our article on 8 Free Strategies for Promoting your Sweepstakes for tips & ideas

Sweepstakes Directories

While sweepstakes directories may have a negative connotation for some marketers due to the quality of entrant that they can provide, if you’ve selected a prize that appeals primarily to your target audience this becomes a non-issue for your campaign. There are hundreds of sweepstakes directories on the web, some of which can drive large amounts of traffic for your promotion.

Giveaways Network

Unique to the PromoSimple platform, any promotion can be opted into the Giveaways Network which syndicates your sweepstakes to multiple directories and distributes it across email and social channels.

Refer A Friend

By enabling Refer A Friend you can reward your entrants for sharing the promotion with their friends, instantly increasing your reach. The viral nature of this option not only helps in spreading the word, but also adds a level of trust and legitimacy because it is being shared by a known friend.



Specify entry requirements including demographic data, email sign-ups and social media interaction.



Design your entry form with custom images, colors and fonts or choose from a variety of templates and themes.



Increase awareness through the Giveaways Network and award bonus entries for sharing the promotion via Refer A Friend.



Access all of your promotion's entries with real-time reports. Export spreadsheets with your data at any time.

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Marketing and design tips that will supercharge your sweepstakes.