One of the common questions that we get from partners and users of PromoSimple is in reference to what actions are built in as features of the platform to ask users to take action on social networks. So, here’s a current breakdown of the standard options that are available for all promotions on the PromoSimple system.
All options available here can be added as requirements for entry or included as a bonus option, so that when users complete the actions their chances of winning are increased. By integrating bonus options you’re also able to ensure that all of your users can enter at least the required section of the promotion. Those who are not involved with a particular social network will not be able to complete the bonus entries.
- Like: It is possible to ask entrants to ‘Like’ any business Facebook page. You can now also add in any URL from the web (or the URL for an image, Facebook comment, or anything else with a specific URL).
- Share: With the Refer A Friend option entrants are able to use the Facebook Share button to tell their friends about the promotion. Each time their friends complete the required portion of the giveaway the referring friend’s chances of winning the sweepstakes increases based on parameters that you’ve set.
- Tweet: Set a default Tweet with links to the promotion, hashtags or any other relevant content. Entrants can send this pre-defined Tweet with one click directly from the entry form.
- Follow: Enter any Twitter handle for users to Follow.
- Pin: Add images (up to two) related to your giveaway and provide descriptions for each. Entrants will be given the option of pinning either of the images to a Board on their Pinterest account. More information about Pinterest Pins.
- Follow: Ask users to Follow your Pinterest account, or enter a specific board for users to follow. More information about Pinterest Follows.
- Like: Include any media (photograph or video) from your Instagram account for entrants to ‘Like’. A thumbnail of the media will be displayed within your entry form.
- Follow: Ask users to Follow your Instagram account.
Entry validation
For Facebook, Twitter and Instagram contests validation can be enabled for required and bonus entries. By enabling this feature, entrants are asked to authorize an App for the specific social network, which provides the entry form access to the user’s basic data. This allows PromoSimple to verify that users are Fans, Followers or have performed the specific action required by the promotion.